CoKreating Geniuses
co-Kreating Geniuses
Let me ask you this question (give it a serious thought before you answer it, alright?): Do you think you are a genius? Regardless of what your response might have been, the right answer to that question is: OF COURSE, YES - You are a GENIUS!
Not only do I sincerely believe that you are a GENIUS, but I will go one step further: I believe you are a GENIUS and the world needs your UNIQUE contribution. And it is about time you started believing that as well!
: KGISL Education is all about transforming students into geniuses (aka, talent that is desired by world class companies). How do we do this? Simply by providing them with a truly exceptional learning experience.
The motto CoKreating Geniuses perfectly captures the Reason for Being (raison d'ĂȘtre, if you will) of KGISL Education and the phrase, contains both K
and G
, and therefore very effective in reminding us of the work that goes on at KG College of Arts and Science (KGCAS
), at our engineering college KGISL Institute of Technology (KITE
) and our 2 decade old MCA-college KGISL Institute of information Management (IIM
Let me start with the word Genius - this is the word that reminds us of potential that is inherently present in every student who is pursuing their higher studies at KGCAS, KITE or KGISL-IIM. While facilitating the student's intellectual pursuits both inside and outside the classroom, we do it in a manner that ensures that the student truly connects, discovers and eventually believes in her inner genius.
As for the word Co-Kreation - we purposely spell it with a 'K' to remind both faculty and student
- of the 'K' in knowledge economy that we are all increasingly become a part of
- of the 'K' in the knowledge that needs to be literally co-created inside the brain of the student, a reminder not to rely much on the age-old methods of
"chalk and talk"
or by the faculty assuming the"sage on the stage"
attitude, but instead, our faculty will adapt the "guide by the side" approach which is eminently suited for the 21st century - and last but not the least, of the
in co-Kreation reminds us of the 'K' in the word Hackathon, which has been embraced wholeheartedly as the most innovative education model. The KGiSL Hackathon curated by industry experts provides tranformative immersive experience, thanks to the presence of a like-minded community of learners. Using the Hackathon learning methodology, time and again, students have been triggered to develop an authentic desire to build skills relevant to the domain of his or her interest.
Whether you are the dedicated faculty member, or the most motivated student inspired to make the world a better place, we invite you to join us at KG - K for coKreation, and G for Geniuses - please join the SERIOUS fun we are having! I repeat, join the SERIOUS FUN we are having at the world class KGISL campus which is co-located along with industry in the heart of the IT corridor of Coimbatore, and probably the only campus that is available on a 24/7/365 day basis. KGISL campus has been designed as the perfect intersection of work, learning and technology, so that you the student may experience a truly differentiated learning that will stay with you longer after you have graduated, which in turn shall be the foundation for an exciting and prosperous future!
And in closing, let me remind you once again: You are a genius and the world needs your UNIQUE contribution!
KGiSL Campus : Work + Technology + Learning
KGiSL Hackathon : Ideas + Mentors + Skills
To Read
- "You can accomplish much more than you think. If you can learn to stretch your brains!"